Our History
Mivana Company Limited contributes the way of working as social enterprise. To grow and distribute organic Arabica coffee, we are committed to protecting sensitive watershed areas and preserving the traditional ways of life of upland farming communities.
Our organic shade-grown coffee is the fruit of 325 small-scale farming families working an area of over 8,000 rai in the watershed forests of Mae Lao, Mae Saruay and Mae Korn districts in Thailand’s Chiang Rai province.
We seek to give customers coffee of outstanding quality while protecting the environment and contributing to a better standard of living for the farmers and communities in rural districts of northern Thailand. MiVana’s Organic Forest Friendly Coffee won the Best Social Enterprise Planning Award from the Thai Social Enterprise Office (TSEO) and the Best Quality Award: Thailand Coffee, Tea and Drink 2013-2014.
Our Mission
We are committed to producing organic coffee of the highest quality. Our farming methods are chemical-free, designed to protect, preserve and restore the natural balance of valuable watershed forests in Chiang Rai. We are creating long-term jobs in upland communities. And in these ways, MiVana Coffee is contributing to the sustainable health of forest resources and a sustainable way of life for our farmers and their families.
Our Promises
Every cup has a distinctive robust flavor and a signature aroma of tropical flowers and fruit. MiVana Coffee is made from ripe red beans hand-picked at just the right moment, then processed within 24 hours to ensure maximum freshness. All our coffee is organically grown both for quality and the health of our customers.
Our commitment to fair trade means that participating farmers earn higher incomes and enjoy a better standard of living. This generates even more jobs and adds to the body of knowledge and skills in the local communities. Through our support for organic farming techniques, MiVana is contributing to economic sustainability and an appreciation for the importance of protecting the natural environment.
Degraded forests are revitalized as farmers plant young coffee trees in the shade of larger native trees. Thailand’s forest cover is expanded. The delicate balance of nature is preserved. Biodiversity is enhanced. And the value of protected forests is increased for future generations.